Tuesday, January 13, 2009


This morning at about 8:30am I received the call that they had availability to do my HSG but today and today only. I asked about the latest appointment they had and was told 2pm. I booked it late in hopes that Chris could duck out of work early to come with me. Thankfully, this was the case.

After receiving my oh so stylish johnny and robe, I changed.. leaving on my Nike Shox per the nurses request. Strange. I got on the table, and was informed that the plastic speculums were on backorder. OH THE THRILL. The freezing cold metal speculum was the least of the procedure. The breaching my cervix was one of the most awful feelings ever.. until they inflated the catheter balloon in my uterus. I screamed in pain and they proceeded to check placement and inject dye. For approximately three minutes I pondered if death would have been a better situation. To say it was painful is putting it mildly. I nearly broke Chris' fingers while squeezing in pain. Looking back now, I wonder if some of the pain was because the spot they inject and the amount used is for two tubes. I only have one. Possibly the amount of fluid increased the pressure and the scar tissue where my right tube used to be was stretched? Anything is possible but the bottom line is that my one healthy tube is just that... healthy. From what the doctor could tell, it is free of occlusions. Thank the lord for this positive news.

On that note, I feel like someone drove a mack truck through my cervix so I'm going to take it easy.. I'll update as I know more info. xox