Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Official Results are IN!

I swear that Dr. T is psychic. I was picking up the phone to call him about something and it rang. It was him. Calling to say that my one tube is clear of any obstructions and that I didn't regrow a right tube which is also good. I told him the procedure hurt like hell and he said yeah, some people have that experience. I also expressed my concern about the cost of the RE and he said that sounded a little ridiculous, considering they wouldn't even BOOK the appointment til the $300 was paid. So I opted to do clomid next cycle to make me ovulate, and if that isn't successful I will then have enough money saved to pursue IUI. Either way, this is a step in the right direction. Even the old doctor agreed that I cannot stay in this state much longer without risking the health of my reproductive system. The clomid has been called in and I will pick it up before the cruise next week. Should I have a 17 day cycle again, I will have it available to start taking days 3-7 of next cycle, and if I have an actual ovulatory cycle I will hopefully get pregnant without it.
So to recap, tube is clear, clomid is prescribed. HSGs have a high chance of pregnancy post procedure because a lot of times they blow any tissue out of the tube making it super clear. So let's hope it's either this cycle or next!!