Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Cruise, Clomid, Cycles, Oh MY!

After spending a blissfull week in the Carribbean, we are back to reality. Our RE appointment is scheduled for February 24th and strangely enough, if I ovulate on time, that would be the first day a HPT would be able to say if I'm pregnant or not. I'm praying that we don't have to go that route, but will take whatever I'm handed.
While on the cruise I was faithful with my OPKs (Ovulation prediction kits) and all returned a negative status which meant I hadn't ovulated. Strangely enough when we returned to solid ground, I missed two days of OPKs (CD20, 21) and started temping again on CD23 and got a CLEARLY post-ovulation temperature of 98.8+ So I did ovulate at some point that cycle and as you might already notice... I made it past day 17 of a cycle!! I had a NORMAL cycle for me this time around. That is 26 days. Now AF is back and I start my first round of clomid tomorrow morning. I hope this is it for us, the misery I've been suffering with the pain is something to write about, but for now I'll save you the horror. Just wanted to update quick, and now that things are back to normal I'll be updating regularly again.... thanks for reading ;)