I'm a charting fool first of all. For those of you familiar.. stalk my chart here: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/rebeccar
For those of you unfamiliar, let me explain in gory painstaking detail. Every morning at 7:30am my alarm goes off to take my temp. I don't need to be up at that hour, but your basal body temperature needs to be taken when you first wake up, before you pee.. move.. or do anything. So I decided 7:30am was appropriate because it's earlier than I'd normally wake up (this is before hormonal medications.. now I wake up at whacked out hours) so I'd just be waking up.
The oh-so-entertaining part of temping for me is that I am a mouth breather at night a lot of times, which means my temperature can't accurately be obtained in my mouth. Therefore I take my temp vaginally every morning. I must admit to dozing off for a few minutes with the thermometer in there once or twice but it never caused injury ;) On top of temping every morning, I use a clearblue easy fertility monitor. I set it on the first day of my period every cycle, and every day it changes day numbers. According to the previous cycle it will ask me to POAS (Pee On A Stick.. for those of you less informed). I pee on said stick and put the test stick into the monitor. After the microscopic scientists inside evaluate the hormone levels in my urine, it spits out a fertility reading- either low, high, or peak. The *high* reading however sounds misleading. I had a full week of high readings and didn't ovulate one cycle. It just means some hormone increased in your body.
The pretty *peak* reading with the egg symbol is what you're striving for. I've yet to see that symbol. I'm hoping in the next few days I will, however. Maybe for Valentine's Day?? So after I go back to sleep after the battery of morning tests, I wake up (for good this time) and I log onto my chart online and I enter my temperature, my fertility monitor reading, and any symptoms I may be experiencing. This helps the charting software detect if I may be ovulating. The last 9 days have had one thing in common.............. CRAMPS.
I'm a cramp pro. I've battled with endometriosis for 13+ years.. cramps and I are old friends. I've had what's felt like period cramps every day. My bleeding stopped CD4 which is unheard of for me, so I'm hopeful. I've been bloated, crampy, and had major headaches all week, but if this works, it will all be worth it. Normally I'd cramp the day or few days before my period (in the charting world.. it's called AF for Aunt Flo). It feels like I should still be bleeding but I'm not so I can only hope that the cramping is producing a bunch of juicy follicles that will produce eggs and allow us to conceive.
If this doesn't happen we have an appointment with a Reproductive Endocrinologist on February 24th. We finished filling out the lengthy paperwork the other night, and I sent it yesterday. I'm fairly certain the only thing they didn't ask was my shoe size. As I've said before, I'm hopeful, but skeptically so. Please keep your fingers crossed for us.... xox :)