Sunday, March 1, 2009

RE Nightmare

Well I'm quite behind with my updates but things have been crazy here! Last week (2/24) we went to our reproductive endocrinologist.. you know, the one I paid $300 out of pocket just to SCHEDULE? Yes, this one. So prior to going to the appointment Chris and I filled out their 6 page each forms, asking everything you could ever imagine. They had to be in two weeks before the appointment so the doctor could read them and they were in prior to that. Upon walking into the office, it was apparent he wasn't interested in helping us. We're young, and we're not married. In fact, he said.. and I quote "What you should be doing is seeking gainful employment." Little did he know.
He didn't ASK if we could afford it out of pocket, he didn't care really at all. He also informed me that the ultrasound that Dr. G (previous OB) did in September showed clear pockets of adenomyosis in my uterine wall... the exact thing we are trying to prevent. Thrilling. We left upset. Me hurt, and upset, and PISSED. Chris was flat out disgusted. I don't know how people like this can be in that field but Dr. T (current OB) told me that most RE are somewhat like that because they're more scientific than anything.. not so huggable. That's fine.. I'm just glad I have an OB I love.